“A Person Could Develop A Cold,” February 26, 2024. 324 words

In the musical,”Guys and Dolls” The character, Adelaide sings a lament about a cold from not being married. Though I am married, I can identify with the misery of the annual winter cold. No matter what I do or take, the illness will run it’s full course.
Many remedies include, vitamin C, herbal tea or whiskey and honey. Nothing seems to help.
When growing up, my mother would put a steamer in the ill child’s bedroom. Near the steam opening was a small indention. This was filled with the infamous Vicks Vapor rub. Soon the whole room would smell a training room for athletes.
Hot lemon and honey mixed with water was offered as a drink. I preferred to take a dose of honey straight from a teaspoon.
We would be offered Vick’s cough drops. The box was kept from year to year, with the drops becoming soft and sticky. They would collect fuzz from the drawer where they were hidden. One of those would cure a child from asking for another.
My grandmother Jenny’s, universal solution to any illness was to give Vernors Ginger Ale. Indifference to a sore throat, she would warm the drink.
Grandpa Al swore snorting salt water into the nose was the best cure for a stuffed up nose. I could never get the courage to try it. I do recall my dad attempting this remedy, with mixed results.
Finally, a hot bath with a long soak was offered before bedtime. Epsom Salts were mixed in the water to relax sore muscles from from coughing. I recall the water had a smooth feel as I splashed in the tub.
With all the advise, I will close that whatever cure you try, remember, improvement will occur in about ten day. Ah-cho!

Blow Away

Blow away
A cold to stay,
Not Mother’s cures I pray.
reading in bed, I’ll stay.
not too gay,
Vick’s smell all day.

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