Titanic, April 15, 2024 485 words

On April 14th, 1912, the great luxury liner Titanic, struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic. Two hours later, on the 15th, the great ship was resting on the ocean floor two miles below in a watery grave. What has sparked the imagination of people about this ship?
The Titanic along with her two sister ships the Olympic and Britannic, were part of the British fleet owned by the Star line. Of the three ships, only the Olympic had a long sailing history. It was scraped in 1935.
What made the Titanic unique? It was reported to be unsinkable due to it’s design. The ship sank on it’s maiden voyage, on a clear calm evening. It sank 400 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia. The social classes of British society, discouraged upper, middle and lower classes from interaction. To this day, historians are not sure of the exact reasons that led to the ship’s demise.
Yearly memorial services for the victims of this disaster are held in several locations. In the Northern Atlantic, on the one hundredth anniversary of the sinking, two cruise ships, one from Hampton England and the other from New York, met at the site and time of the Titanic’s coordinates.

There is a yearly memorial service held in Cove, Ireland on the 14th of April. Featuring Irish music, prayers and the laying of wreaths.Two services in Nova Scotia, Canada will take place on april 14th and april 15th for the victims of the wreck. Over 150 drowning victims from the Titanic are buried in Halifax. This was the closest major port to the last position of the Ship. Most of the sailors on the recovery ship were from Halifax.
I have had an interest in the events that ended with the Titanic’s sinking. Watching the movie,”The Night to be Remembered,” was released on December 10th, 1942. It is noted as the most accurate portrayal of the Titanic’s last sailing days.
I have visited several shows displaying artifacts recovered from the wreckage site.
Historians and scientists continue to explore the Titanic’s wreck with sonar, lasers and ai imaging to create a 3 D image of the ship before it collapses from decay . The ships structure could be erased by the 2030’s.
In 2023, a submersible containing tourists exploded on the way to the wreckage. Only scientific excursions are allowed now.
When victims of ships lost at sea is a reminder of the precarious voyage our forefathers and mothers undertook to come to this country.

The song “O they built the boat Titanic to sail the Ocean blue” was written in 1926 by Earnest Stone.
“O they built the boat Titanic to sail the Ocean blue.
They they built it so the water wouldn’t get through.
But the Good Lord raised his hand, said that boat would never land.
It was sad when the great ship went down”.


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